Friday, February 17, 2012

My Yoda

Hello everyone! Wanted to keep you updated on how everything is going. I must say it’s going pretty well. The Latvian mitten is going pretty quickly. Take a look.

It looks a little chunky to me, but that’s just because I haven’t blocked it yet once it’s off the needles and blocked I’m sure it will look just fine. This mitten is one of my first multi-colored projects that uses more than two colors, and I must admit, that it’s really hard! There are all kinds of strings going across the back that I'll have to take care of, and it can be really frustrating trying to untangle all my balls of yarn. Plus I haven't been paying enough attention to the pattern and twice now I thought I've been done with the navy and snipped it off, just to find I need it a few rows later (yes mom, I know I need to work on my attention to detail).

So just yesterday I had my friend Shelbie over for an "eat pizza and you play video games while I knit mittens" kind of night. Now Shelbie is not a knitter, but she sits and listens to me rant about wool and patterns and does so without telling me to shut the heck up (one of the many reasons I love her). Yesterday Shelbie said something to me about knitting (and I suppose it applies to other things in life) that blew my mind. She was just packing up to leave, and after watching her play Skyrim (great game BTW, five stars) for a few hours, I had a hankering to play it myself. I said to her: "Man, I'm torn. I really want to continue knitting the mittens but I also really want to play Skyrim." Shelbie looked at me and said: "Might as well work on the mittens while you actually want to. Soon enough you'll be dying to get away from them but for now you should knit while you don't hate them. Skyrim will wait for you."

It makes so much sense! I even churned out about ten more rows that night. Shelbie, you are the Yoda to my Luke and I thank you.

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