... Because I have a ridiculous amount of things to do today. The Timor shawl is knitting up super quickly, the January sweater is done but because I woke up late today I didn't get any pictures of it, Christmas 2012 is kind of on hold for the moment because I'm so uninspired with all the gifts I'm knitting, and I have a serious case of startupitus.
I want to cast on a million fun, interesting projects but don't want to finish any of them. I love pouring over my yarn and finding the perfect pattern to go with it. I love starting something with just string and sticks and then having the beginning of what could be something beautiful. It's just the whole middle part I have a problem with. In knitting, one will find a certain phenomena known as a knitting black hole. It's when you knit 50 rows on a project, measure it, and find that it's no longer than before. So you knit 50 more rows, measure it, and see you've only added half an inch. It's enough to drive a Knitter round the bend I tell you.
Anyway, I haven't completed any projects in weeks and that's really starting to get me down. The January sweater doesn't really count because it was supposed to be a full sleeved sweater but I hate doing sleeves so much that I kind of copped out and made it a little vest with cap sleeves. I even lost my Latvian Mitten! Maybe I wasn't meant to be a knitter after all...
Who am I kidding? I'd be completely unmanageable if I didn't have my wool. I'll have the pictures of the January vest to you tomorrow, super promise.
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