So after the crap-tastic day that way yesterday, I really needed a win. So this morning I cast on mittens. Not for anyone especially but I really like doing mittens and they just seem to happen on my needles. One second I'm casting on, the next second I'm done with a mitten. It's kinda crazy. I'm not using a pattern or anything, just using my noggin and coming up with something simple and passable.
I also finally utilized all the Amazon gift cards I got for Christmas and I have a library's worth of knitting books coming my way. The one I'm most excited for is Latvian Mittens by Lizbeth Upitis. Let me show you just a glimpse of what I could potentially knit with the patterns from this book. I wan to knit these. Once the book gets here, I shall cast on.
I scoured the internet for the name of the person who knit these so I could give them proper recognition on their insane knitting skills, but the internet is against me today for some reason. So thank you to whoever knit these awe-inspiring mittens, I hope one day to be as good as you. Also thanks to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee for putting the Latvian Mittens idea in my head (I've been going back and reading all the archived SPM blog posts and 2004 is a very mitten heavy year. Also, I want to do thrummed mittens).
Anyway, I'm off to French. Bisous!
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