Not much to say really. Spent a nice weekend in Beaverton/Hillsboro visiting the family. Connor's mum taught him how to crochet so now he wants access to my stash. That's all fine and dandy so long as he doesn't touch anything I've got a plan for. He made a joke about the silk lace-weight and a lovely twitch developed over my eye. He's already vacuumed over the skein once (yup rolled right over it, although I did manage to salvage most of it), though it was my own fault, I was trying to clean up quickly so I hid it under the couch. Guess where Boyfriend decided to vacuum that day?
Anyway, for my class knitting today I pulled an old scarf project out from under the couch of hidden yarn (yes I still hide stuff there) and so I'm having fun with that. Other projects have been a bit ignored this weekend, as I am a fickle knitter and feel that the yarn is always softer on the other project. I need to finish up some projects before I cast anything on with that I bought this weekend. It's beautiful and I want to knit all the things with it but I will not allow myself to do so until I've finished at least one project for someone else. Let's see how long that lasts...
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