Friday, February 24, 2012

Excuses excuses.

I know that I super promised pictures of the January vest today but I may or may not have lost said vest. I was just wearing it the other day, but I cannot seem to locate it. I will get you pictures though.
In other news, I finished the scarf from under the couch! It's currently being blocked but once it's done I will try and get pictures to the blog. It's a really pretty deep purple and I'm telling you, it's softer than butter. I'd love to keep it but alas, it has been set aside for Christmas 2012. I enjoyed the pattern so much though that I think I'm going to make another and put it up for sale on Etsy. Yes I do have an Etsy account and a shop and everything, but have not posted anything for sale yet. The Timor shawl was supposed to be my first sale, but alas, things with the T.S. have not gone exactly as I intended them to go. It's going to take a bit more time.
Since I got the couch scarf done, I feel absolutely no guilt in telling you that I also cast on a drop stitch scarf this morning. I'm not exactly loving it though so I might frog it and try something different. Maybe I'll use the yarn for the second couch scarf? We'll see how I'll feel when I get home. Who knows, maybe I'll feel like doing something completely different.

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