Friday, February 10, 2012

Because I have music theory homework...

... I don't really have a lot to say. I was going to wow you with pretty pictures of cable mittens, but the computer has decided that it doesn't know how to turn a picture right side up and I will not besmirch this blog with another sideways picture. One was enough.
So a quick catch-up with what's going on. I have nearly finished one mitten, just need to close the thumb, the January sweater isn't going anywhere because I'm a lazy bum who hates doing sleeves, dad's sock is going okay but I haven't worked on that in a while either, and I've started another project.
I'm making a wee housewarming present for my sister who just bought her very first home. She's very excited and I couldn't be happier for her. Congratulations Adaira! Your gift will probably not be finished until well after you have moved in and finished unpacking, but my adorable procrastination is one of the reasons you love me! Never forget that.
Anyway, not very exciting, I know. I'd give you more but I have to go count musical intervals using half steps. Happy knitting everyone!

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