Monday, April 9, 2012

What was that about dread?

Went to the dentist today; wasn't as bad as I remembered it being. In all likelyhood, that is probably due to the Diazepam I was on. I'm not a fan of mood altering substances (besides chocolate of course), but when it comes down to it, I would rather be a bit loopy and calm than be constantly on the verge of jumping out of the chair and fleeing the building as if I'm on fire. Good thing I found something that works for me too, because I get to go back again for more work on Wednesday! Now doesn't that sound exciting?
Fun news everyone, Holden is back on the needles and almost finished! Yay! Just a wee bit longer and I'll have beautiful pictures of her up for you to enjoy. That's all for now, I know it wasn't much but I'm still a little loopy and don't want to say anything I'll regret later.

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