Hello friends and followers! Long time
no update, I know. In my defense I have moved to another country
since my last blog post and I believe that should allow me some
lenience in my online-ness. Let me tell you, the internet situation
here in East Timor is absolutely bonkers! There aren't really any
hard lines unless you're somewhere fancy like the US embassy, the
President's palace or an internet cafe, so everything is done
wireless. To get access to the 3G you need, you have to get this
little USB stick and a special SIM card. You buy your internet
before you use it at a place called Timor Telecom and they apply it
to your SIM card which you then put into your internet stick. Once
you hook it up to your computer it then connects you to the internet
via satellite. Because of all this rerouting and satellite
connecting, the internet speed here is equivalent to dial-up from ten
years ago. For any of those who are really dependent on the internet
for happiness, DON'T COME TO TIMOR!
One of the many interesting things
about this place is that you basically prepay for everything.
Internet, electricity, air-conditioning, gas, water, it's pretty
crazy. The power grid is also pretty messed up in that sometimes the
power will go out for absolutely no apparent reason for an
undetermined amount of time. Sometimes for three minutes, sometimes
for three days. I've only experienced one of these so far, it lasted
for about eight or nine hours. Because there was no power, the AC was
out as well, so Connor, Carrick, Sharanya, and myself woke up sweaty
and annoyed. The whole day was sweaty and dark (opening windows can
let in more heat and mosquitoes) so it was better to just sit, grumpy
in the cave.
Mosquitoes are especially dangerous
here because many of them carry the virus known as Dengue. It's a
slow-burning sickness that causes your skin to become painful to the
touch and discolored, it causes fever, joint pain, and headaches that
could shatter your teeth. It, in general, is a horrible thing that,
unless treated, will result in death. It actually killed around
thirty locals and one Australian a few months ago when there was a
bit of an epidemic. Carrick is super concerned about our health and
always asking us how we're doing and feeling. I've gotten a couple of
mosquito bites since I've been here, but so far no death virus for
So that's just a few things I've
learned so far while here, but I know why you all come here to read
my blog (… pity... support...), the knitting!
Knitting is basically all I've been
doing so far here (which I'm totally happy with Carrick!). It's a
great way to spend days while Connor and Carrick are at work
(Sharanya is currently in Bali with her sister and her sister's new
husband). I've just been lounging in the AC, watching all kinds of
shows and movies whilst working on various projects. Thus far I've
finished a shawlette that's basically Holden with a scalloped edge
and I'm about half-way through a “Snowdrift Mobius Cowl”. You
should look it up on Ravelry when you get a chance. I'd post a link
but I'm currently not even online! I'm really writing this on a word
document while offline, so that I can copy and paste it onto blogger
later and not use up three dollars worth of internet!
That's just a really quick rundown of
what's up in Timor currently, I'll have to post again soon with more
stories and real live pictures. I even have a story lined up for you
about a chicken and motor-scooter. Guesses? You'll hear from me soon!
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