Monday, January 23, 2012

Just a wee note.

So I spent most of last evening frogging (ripping out) the entirety of a sweater that I was about half way done with when I noticed that I had done the shoulder increases wrong and one front panel had 22 stitches while the other had about 50. I knew something had gone terribly wrong. So, I slid it from the needles, re-wound the wool, and started again. A process that should have made me crazy, but really just made me thankful that yarn is reusable and I didn't have to go out and buy four more skeins. I try to enjoy the little things.
Now I'm off to take advantage of Lane Community College's free printing and make a copy of all the patterns I will need for Christmas 2012. I'll explain that endeavor in the next one.

Happy Monday!

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