Friday, December 29, 2017


I think that if my life was going to have a theme, it would be: "Well that shit didn't pan out, did it? Ya dummie..."

That's not to say that my life is bad, I absolutely love what I've accomplished! But coming back here, home to my dear, sweet blog, it always slaps me in the face how different my life is than I thought it would be. I guess no one ever knows how things are going to shake out, I just happen to have a published internet log of all the directions I thought my life would go and almost none of those things worked out.

But I've never had a problem with starting over, now have I?

That's not to say that things have been easy. I'm embarrassed to admit that after losing my little family, I spiraled a bit and did some things that I'm not proud of. Selfish things, only designed to make myself feel better for a little while. I would apologize if I thought it would mean anything, but what could I say? "Hey, sorry I was a total bitch but I was really, really sad." Doesn't seem like it would do the trick. All I could do at the time was keep my head down and keep breathing.

I'm doing better now though! I finished that Legal Studies degree out of sheer spite (I swear, spite is what got me through my darkest of moments), however I'm not currently working in the legal field. Turns out I happen to be really good at turning a wrench, and landed an amazing job (with awesome benefits, I might add) at a Semi-conductor company. It's a bit complicated but the short version is that our company helps make micro-chips. One of the perks of the gig? Connor works upstairs for the same company!

Connor, Tara, and myself in Vancouver BC
We're all still solid friends, of course. I guess some things don't change after all? Tara and I still have the best crafty conversations, and we've really been inspiring one another to pursue our passions! She taught me how to spin and I help her carry her spoils back to the car whenever we go to a fiber festival! I think it's a fair trade.

Due to Tara's wisdom I've developed skills I never would have pursued otherwise. I've found quite a lot of happiness in spinning, and seem to be doing okay at it so far.

After plying, before washing

After washing, drying, and winding.
 We already have passes to the Knot Another Fiber Festival that's taking place in Silverton, OR this April. We've been debating on which classes to take. There are just so many good ones to choose from... Let's just say that Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and Judith MacKenzie are high on my list of people to learn from.

And I still knit, of course:

I'm a sucker for gradients...
And Christmas knitting for 2017 went swimmingly. I got a lot of love for the presents handed out this year. Lauren and Sarah are finally old enough that I don't have to worry about them washing their hand knits, or setting them on fire or anything.

There's also the guy. Or should I say, there's two guys... There's my wonderful partner, Ryan, who has supported me in all of my endeavors for over a year now:

And then there's Digdug who, although he's a recent addition to the household, is already a crowd favorite:
Pretty sure he's half Pomeranian, half Muppet.
Between these two handsome devils, good friends, and good fiber, I'm doing better than I have in a long time.

Stay tuned for the next episode: "Is she actually back to blogging or is this just a fluke?"